Neil Patel

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How to make your content marketing profitable

Have you noticed that as your blog traffic goes up your sales or leads don't go up proportionately? In other words, you are getting more traffic, but it just isn't driving an ROI. Don't
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How I Spend My Day as a Digital Marketer

I've been doing marketing for one too many years. And over the years I've learned where I should be spending my time and where I shouldn't. Now it doesn't mean you should copy me
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You should add this to your site

Have you heard of a content hub? It's a great way to dominate on the search engines. It's a strategy that a lot of us marketers have been using for years and it keeps working well... even after
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An SEO Tip That Just Works (Especially If You Are a Beginner)

This strategy is so effective, Quora used it to become one of the top 100 websites in the world when it comes to traffic. It's that effective. Best of all, it works for any site... sure it takes
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How you can thrive in any economic situation

Scared of a recession? Don't be. I have tons of marketing tips that have helped me not just survive, but thrive, in times of economic turmoil. I'm teaming up with MemberPress CEO Blair Williams
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How to Create and Launch a Google Ads Campaign

Whether you love Google or hate them, their ad platform works. So well that it generates over $100 billion in annual revenue. But think of it this way, if marketers weren't getting results from it
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My Favorite Type of Marketing

I've tried a lot of forms of marketing. Literally most forms... heck I have even run TV and radio ads. And out of all the forms of marketing I have tried out over the last 20 years, this is my
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Website traffic is good. Qualified traffic is better.

Did you know that more than 90% of all website pages receive zero organic search traffic from Google? It's true—and it should be a wake-up call for any business that's stuck with an outdated
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What's your bounce rate?

People are going to leave your website, but the fewer people that leave the better off you are. Now the real question is, what is your bounce rate? And no, just logging into Google Analytics and
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7 Underrated Marketing Lessons

I started off as a marketer at the ripe age of 16. I'm now 37 years old. I've made a lot of mistakes over the years. And sadly I don't have a time machine to turn back the clock. But
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Hate subscriptions? Here's 70 to 90% off Ubersuggest

When I started in marketing I couldn't afford a lot of the tools out there. So I wanted to create a tool that everyone could use no matter what size business they had or where they were in their
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The Easiest Way to Make a WordPress Blog SEO Friendly

The chances are, you are using WordPress... But I bet that your WordPress blog doesn't get the traffic you want because it doesn't rank as high. Check out this 3-minute video. It teaches you
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Scared about a recession? This is my plan for it

I've seen a lot in my decades as a digital marketer. A lot of highs. A lot of lows. And enough recessions to notice some patterns. My main takeaway? Panicking is never a good idea (even if it seems
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How to Use Google Trends to Help You With Your SEO

Google Trends is a powerful tool. Most marketers use it to see what's popular and what's not. But there is much more to it. You can actually use it to get more SEO love. Here's how. And if
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How to Get 1,000 Followers a Week on Instagram Organically

I've experimented a lot on Instagram. And I will tell you this... It's hard to get millions of followers and it's not easy to go viral. But it's not that hard to get thousands of
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How to Get Over 1 Million YouTube Subscribers (Like I Did)

The channel that brings in the most new customers to my ad agency is referrals. In which customers recommend other customers. The second most popular channel is SEO. And can you guess the third most
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SEO For Beginners - The Easiest Way to Build Links

You need links whether you like it or not. Because the more you have, assuming they are high in quality and relevant, the higher you will rank. But you'll find that most strategies to obtain them
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How to make your Paid Media ROI skyrocket

Paid ads not generating enough ROI? You're probably not paying attention to the right KPIs. I can show you how to not only track the right metrics, but how to leverage your paid ads for sky-high
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7 Marketing Lessons Learned from Billion Dollar Companies You've Never Heard Of

What's cool about owning an ad agency is you also get to learn from your clients. Even though I specialize in marketing, I also get to see what is working for others. What's interesting about
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Why I Acquired Answer the Public

Marketing isn't the only way to grow your business. Acquisitions are another great approach. Earlier this year I bought a marketing tool called Answer the Public. You may be wondering what Answer